英文倒裝句 Inversion 用法及作用【詳解】,一看就懂

英文倒裝句 Inversion 用法及作用【詳解】,一看就懂





倒裝句(Inversion) 分開 I. 部份倒裝、II. 特殊倒裝、III. 完全倒裝。


I. 部份倒裝(Partial Inversion): 將【句子某部份】倒裝在主語之前,其他部份以問句形式表達。


II. 特殊倒裝(Special Inversion): 將【A】以問句表達,其他部份正常。


III. 完全倒裝(Full Inversion): 將【謂語+動詞】全部置於主語之前,主語放到最後。或【謂語】放在主語+動詞之前。此結構通常只用在Simple present tense 及Simple past tense.


I. 部份倒裝(Partial Inversion):

強調【only 狀語(adverb/adverbial)】

例1: You can handle the disputes in this way. 可寫成
【Only in this way】 can you handle the disputes.


例2: He realized he had made a terrible mistake after he had spoken such abusive words! 可寫成
【Only after he had spoken such abusive words】 did he realize he had made a terrible mistake!


例3: I understood why this tragedy had happened then. 可寫成
【Only then】did I understand why this tragedy had happened.


例4: She really thought about her own situation later. 可寫成
【Only later】did she really think about her own situation.


例5: I felt safe when we had all arrived home. 可寫成
【Only when we’d all arrived home】did I feel safe.


例6: I could afford to live in this city by working extremely hard.
【Only by working extremely hard】could I afford to live in this city.
其中【only then】、【only later】【only when ….】是常見的inversion 強調副詞/副詞組合,多點用一下,會給文章加多些新意。



【hardly】did anyone pass the test!
in no way
【In no way】does she agree with what you are saying.
【Little】did he understand!
【Seldom】do I go to work by metro.
【Never】have I seen such a picturesque scenery before!
no more
【No more】will the lost time return.
【Rarely】will you hear such wonderful music!
no longer
【No longer】does she dream of being a celebrity.
【Nowhere】have I ever encountered such a swindler!
on no account (決不)
【On no account】shall I tell you the secret.
not until…
【Not until I saw Mary with my own eyes】did I really believe she was safe!
not since…
【Not since we both left university】, had we had such wonderful time.


So 【/adv.】that; Such【n.】that
So 【/adv.】that; Such【n.】that位於句首,其餘部份以問句形式表達。
例1: His offered price was so unreasonable that everyone startled. 可寫成
【So unreasonable that】was his offered price that everyone startled.
例2: She went in rehearsal in such a length that the other actors walked out! 可寫成
【In such a length that】did she go in rehearsal that the other actors walked out!


II. 特殊倒裝(Special Inversion): 將【A】以問句表達

強調【一A就B】,例: 一見你就笑。

原句: As soon as I saw you【A】, I laughed. 可寫成
【Hardly(A〉….when…】: Hardly【did I see you】when I laughed.
【Scarcely〈A〉…when…】: Scarcely【did I see you】when I laughed.
【No sooner〈A〉…than…】: No sooner【did I see you】than I laughed.


強調【Not only A but… also B】

例: Not only【do the delicacies smell great】but it also tastes good.
【If A, B】寫成【〈倒轉A〉,B】來表達條件if


例1: If I had been there, the problem would have solved. 可寫成
Had I been there, the problem would have solved.


例2: If you had arrived sooner, we could have prevented such blunder (大錯誤).
Had you arrived sooner, we could have prevented such plunder.
這種用法一般以subjunctive mood表達,會用past tense/ past perfect tense形式.


III. 完全倒裝(Full Inversion): 留意-一般只用在Simple present/simple past。

1. 承上啟下

避免不必要重複 (+ve) So + be/助動 +S ; (-ve) neither/nor + be/助動 +S
A: His brother is a university student.
B: So is mine. (Nor/Neither is mine.)
A: He had his further study abroad.
B: So did I. (Nor/Neither did I.)
A: One of my friends can speak Mandarin well.
B: So can my wife. (Nor/Neither can my wife.)
They broke into his Dad’s room and found the man lying on the floor. A silver snake was around his neck. 可以寫成
They broke into his Dad’s room and found the man lying on the floor. Around his neck was a silver snake.
We really should not mind being called paupers. We are paupers and we seem to remain paupers. 可以寫成
We really should not mind being called paupers. Paupers we are and paupers we seem to remain.


2. 渲染氣氛

Out of bosom of the air, out of the cloud-folds of her garments shaken, over the woodland brown and bare, over the harvest field forsaken, silent and soft and slow, descended the snow (主語終於出現啦!).
詩人運用了【完全倒裝】,先堆砌7個狀語/定語…. 主語遲遲不出現,造成一種【懸念】般的藝術效果。


3. 尾重原則

例1: A company of US soldiers with orders from the headquarters to rescue the trapped miners came to the coal mine. 頭太重了,可寫成
To the coal mine came a company of US soldiers with orders from the headquarters to rescue the trapped miners.


例2: The parcels which are to be shipped to other cities lay on the ground. 頭太重了,可寫成
On the ground lay the parcels which are to be shipped to other cities.


4. 強調狀語
如Such, here, there、【prep/形聲字】、各種【prep+n】

Such, here, there
例1: Our home would be such in the future. 可寫成
Such would be our home in the future.


例2: The letter you have been looking forward to is here. 可寫成
Here is the letter you have been looking forward to.
【prep/形聲字】: down, up, out , in… / Bang, boom


例3: The skyrocket went up into the air. 可寫成
Up went the skyrocket into the air.


例4: A suspicious man jumped down from the second floor when cops were pointing their pistol at him. 可寫成
Down jumped a suspicious man from the second floor when cops were pointing their pistol at him.


例5: The cannon went boom! 可寫成
Boom went the cannon!


例6: A shot came bang! 可寫成
Bang came a shot!


例6: All the money we found was on the table. 可寫成
On the table was all the money we found.


例7: The police came around the corner. 可寫成

Around the corner came the police.


5. So + adj be S that …

例1: The lady was so beautiful that nobody could talk of anything else. 改寫成
So beautiful was the lady that nobody could talk of anything else.


例2: The food is so delicious that we are eating every last bite. 改寫成
So delicious is the food that we are eating every last bite.



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