such as 與 as such 用法

such as 和as such兩個片語有點像,但意思卻不同。


A) and as such
as such的第一個意思大概是「以此身份」、「因其身份」,前面加個and,用來代替其前所提過的名詞,以避免重複。舉例
1. I’m an English teacher, and because I’m an English teacher I am sensitive to see grammar mistakes. 變成
2. I’m an English teacher, and as such I am sensitive to see grammar mistakes.


He’s a renowned actor, and as such he has made a lot of money.
The film was a comedy(喜劇), and as such it had the usual happy ending.


B) as such, but
的第二個意思是「就其真正的意義來說」,後面加個, but。例如:
The shop doesn’t sell books as such, but it does sell comics. (就書的真正意義來說,這家店沒有賣書,但有賣漫畫) –漫畫跟書相似,但它們不是真正的書。
He isn’t a Hong Konger as such, but he has spent most of his life here. (就香港人的真正意義而言,他不是香港人,但他的大半生都在香港度過)


such as 就簡單多了,它意為「像…之類;例如」(like; for example),舉例:
Many countries in Europe, such as Spain and Italy, use Euros. (歐洲有許多國家,如西班牙和意大利,都用歐元)


阿土英語教室Tomato 老師


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