IELTS Writing 雅思寫作技巧最實用task 1 學術組7到9分

IELTS Writing 雅思寫作技巧最實用task 1 學術組7到9分

相信在網上/書局中,讀者應找到很多有關IELTS(Academic) writing Task 1connective words的模版、suggested answer了。但這篇文章講的,不是這些陳腔濫調的模版與examples






1.      引言
2.      升跌狀
3.      最高最低
4.      平隱波動
Analyze and compare
5.      異同 (i.相同 ii. 相似 iii. 相反)
6.      普遍性 (i. 最普遍 ii. 普遍性比較)
7.      倍數與中庸
8.      最後預測


8大點是構成高分答案的主要寫作提示,各有它的connective words。以下我每點會給一些例句大家。但是,更重要的,你需要自己就著你自己的suggested answer,再整理一份你自己獨有的。整理好後,就嘗試作模擬答題….. 都是工多藝熟罷了。Writing Part 1 (Academic) 理應是用來衝高分的!




1.      引言:

Rephrase the topic (換字重新描述)+State the general trend(描述總体趨勢
A glance at the diagram provided demonstrates that….
Given are two figures providing a comparison of
( 請自行再找例句!)
It is crystal clear that….
It is apparent from the information supplied that…
Also evident is the fact that…
( 請自行再找例句!)


2-4 description (描述)

2.      升跌狀

按圖表,描述升、跌(留意x,y) ,幅度如何
Sales of product A rocketed…..after which sales declined slightly.
…rose gradually….and then fell slightly
…plunged…and rose slightly
…fell steadily
…slumped suddenly
…dipped slightly…recoverd
…..( 請自行再找例句!)

3.      最高最低

to reach a peak of….
before reaching a plateau of…
until hitting a lowest point of…
to an all-time high…
to an all-time low…
…..( 請自行再找例句!)

4.   平隱/波動?

stabilized=remained constant-remained stable=remained nearly the same
fluctuated=relatively unstable….
…..( 請自行再找例句!)
5-8 analysis and comparison (分析與比較)

5.      異同

i.                   相同
Both nations saw a considerable fluctuations, with lows in…and highs in…
…..( 請自行再找例句!)
ii.                  相似
Likewise, they were also considerable decreases.
…..( 請自行再找例句!)
iii.                相反
18 percent were female while the remainder were men.
In contrast to women, the scant of money was the most common excuse…
By contrast,…
In stark contrast, however, all other activities increased in popularity…
The former covered ….and the latter extended…
…..( 請自行再找例句!)

6.      普遍性

i.                    最普遍
Bike Cycling was far more popular than in any other sports listed.
The most popular was swimming, at 25 percent, compared with 20 percent a decade earlier…
…..( 請自行再找例句!)
   Ii.    普遍性比較
         A and B were considerably less common, at 12000 and 11000 operations respectively…
Second in terms of popularity, meanwhile, was swimming…
…..( 請自行再找例句!)


7.      倍數與中庸

i.                    倍數
The prevalence of swimming in Japan was triple that of Hong Kong…
There was a two fold increase in the number…
The figure was nearly double in…
A was twice as much as B…
…..( 請自行再找例句!)


ii.                  中庸
France and Germany had moderate level of…
…..( 請自行再找例句!)


8.      最後預測

Equally, predictable is the fact that…
Thus, it is reasonable to surmise that…


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